Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tell McCain to Put a STOP to Oil Drilling in our Coastal Waters

Hi Friends,

I’ve been worrying a lot these days that all the concern about high gas prices will undermine our efforts to protect the planet.

Some politicians, like Senator McCain, are taking advantage of the situation by supporting the lift of a 27-year ban on drilling for oil along our coastlines.
Not only will that do nothing to immediately reduce the price of gas, it will cause large amounts of damage to the climate and marine wildlife!

TAKE ACTION: Tell McCain to Put a STOP to Oil Drilling in our Coastal Waters!

pain at the pump

For whales and dolphins, the piercing underwater volume of seismic testing, the first step to offshore drilling, can lead to brain damage and even cause entire pods to beach. In June, over 100 melon-head whales beached off of Madagascar close to ExxonMobil seismic testing! Oil spills from the drilling would also threaten our beaches, fish, and marine mammals.

Now isn’t the time for following leaders who promise quick fixes to high gas prices. It’s the time to end our dependence on oil and fossil fuels and begin a meaningful transition toward a future where we utilize renewable energy sources that will be able to sustain generations to come.

John McCain’s plan to drill for more oil will only cause more greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to global warming.

For the Planet!
Greenpeace USA

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